Plant Systems

For plant transport, the roots absorb minerals and water. They are transported through the shoot system. Xylem and phloem are vascular tissues. Xylem carries water upward, and phloem carries nutrients up and down. Leaves are where the nutrients are made.

Vascular Tissue Visual

Guard cells are cells that surround an opening called a stomata. The stomata opens and closes based on water levels. Carbon dioxide enters through the stomata, and oxygen and water leave through it. This is called transpiration.

Stomata Visual

In plant reproduction, pollen is made in the anther and is transferred through pollination to the stigma. The pollen travels down the style and fertilizes the egg.

Plant Reproduction Diagram

Tropisms are a plant’s reaction to an external stimuli. Tropisms are positive if the plant moves toward the stimulus and negative if they turn away.

  • Geotropism is the response to gravity. (Seeds)
  • Hydrotropism is the response to a water source. (Roots)
  • Thigmotropism is the response to touch. (Vines)
  • Phototropism is the response to light. (Sunflowers)
FuseSchool Plant Transport Video
FuseSchool Xylem Video
FuseSchool Phloem Video
FuseSchool Plant Reproduction Video
FuseSchool Tropisms Video

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